Art Projects in MKL
One of our thesis is, that the main developments in the last century in “art and technology” has been driven more by artistic works, rather than the new inventions of technology.
Most developments, which has been mostly more a kind of system integration could have been done with existing technology long before they where implemented. One reason for that was because aesthetic criterias has not been accepted (or developed) at that time in our culture as art, another that there was no reason for artists to use them. So the main strategy is to use the method of an art driven development of new technologies in the arts, doing mostly integration and adaption of existing technologies and knowledge and extending them for the artistic needs. Sharing this developments is lively needed to enhance the knowledge base on technologies in art.

Eine performative und interaktive mediale Anordnung von Sylvia Eckermann und Gerald Nestler
ArtistsInLab Robotics Summer 2009
Artists in residence in mkl during summer 2009, within the EU-Project COMEDIA
Between Germany and Italy and Anywhere Else
eine Installation in Fenstern des MKL von Wolfgang Lehrner
Object-Sound Installation. Nazar Hontschar in collaboration with Wolfgang Musil und Winfried Ritsch. Development and Produktion: MedienKunstLabor 26. 06. - 27. 07. 2008