Sie sind hier: Startseite Projects Arts Birthday 17.01.2010 All under one net - Alle unter einem Netz

All under one net - Alle unter einem Netz

AUON is a networkperformance dedicated to Arts birthday on the 17.1.2010, which will be stream all the evening. A machine like will collect and distrute audio gifts all from the net and fit it together to stream respecting the date 17.01.2010

All under one net - Alle unter einem Netz

Superposition (Klangobjekt IEM Graz), Auschnitt

All under one net, a a birthday party contribution, celebrating that we all under one net and need art to define the net as a cultural place. Art was born to form cultural spaces of social interactions. A harvester of Audio is something which collects art fruits in form of audio segments and forms a sound scuplture out of it, distributing in the net.

Being all under one net and not in different nets, wars between nets and cultural spaces can be avoided. Harvesting material for preparing and providing it to listeners is a contribution of us harvesting robots to human beings.

 "see for more"



