Sie sind hier: Startseite Projects Arts Birthday 17.01.2010 How to join the Net

How to join the Net

For all musicians, dedicating audio gifts with audio over OSC, here is a short HOWTO

  1. Do I need a special software or OS ?
  2. What is AOO ?
  3. How can I sent Audio ?
  4. How does the system works ?
  5. What kind of Audio material should I contribute ?
  6. In which loop should I contribute ?
  7. How can I hear the result ?
  8. How I can I get in contact ?

Do I need a special software or OS ?

Yes, this networking requires the need of Pure Data using libraries OSC and Net from MRPEACH, zexy from Zmoelnig and most important AOO externals from Wolfgang Jaeger.

What is AOO ?

AOO is Audio over OSC, a project done at the IEM from Wolfgang Jäger, where a free network of audio can be realized. Please se the Repository for getting the sample Implementation.

How can I sent Audio ?

Its easy, just use the sample PD-Patch and extent it with your Audio generators and sent audio to Loop1, Loop2 or Loop3, see question 1

How does the system works ?

Yo can see the systemdiagram on this webpage

What kind of Audio material should I contribute ?

Its mostly up to you, but we prefer Open Space recordings, or live played material.

In which loop should I contribute ?

In Loop 1, if you have a sounds like 1-4 seconds like shoutings, in loop2 for just percussive stuff, in loop3 for longer stuff and background sound.

How can I hear the result ?

A stream will be sent out over the net and also for a short time in radio helsinki, OE1 Orf on 17.1.2007 evening. The stream will be announced on this webpage:

How I can I get in contact ?

Please email ritsch at .
